- About The Team
- Our Leadership
- Our Advisory
- Our Projects
Major construction projects these days confront the fundamental question more often than ever: how do we remove the wasteful processes which largely exist in the construction sector and maximize the profit for our clients?
To find the answer as well as to enhance the TEAM’s service power, the TEAM brings great advice from our independent advisory board.
Professor of Seoul National University
Chief of SNU Engineering Development Center
Professor Hyundae Choi oversees Seoul National University’s Engineering Development Research Center as Chief of the center’s Project Management Section. Prior to joining the faculty of SNU, Professor Choi worked at Samsung for 32 years and led Samsung Global Strategy Group and Samsung Engineering as an Executive Senior Vice President.
Professor Choi contributed his entire career to build a better world by taking the lead on many global EPC (Engineering, Procurement, & Construction) projects, and embedded in the culture of Samsung Engineering is Professor Choi’s long vision to refine project management system in the plant industry. At EDRC, Professor Choi now shares his expertise built in the front line of a global powerhouse with would-be-engineer students.
The former executive of Samsung who has been part of the major force in establishing the rules of the plant industry offers his seasoned insight for the TEAM to strategize a successful outcome for the TEAM’s clients.
사단법인 건설원가연구원 원장
Director of Construction Cost Research Institute
Arbitrator of Korea Commercial Arbitration Board and Arbitration Appraiser
Appraiser of Court and Fair Trad Commission
박양호 원장은 중앙대학교에서 건설사업관리 전공으로 박사학위를 취득한 후, 영국 Loughborough University, School of Civil and Building Engineering에서 Wayne Lord 법정변호사(Barrister)와 함께 Construction Claims에 관한 연구를 수행하였고, 현재 민사소송, 중재 및 조정사건에서 건설전문 감정인으로 활동하고 있습니다.
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law (licensed to practice in NJ and DC in the U.S.)
Washington University in St. Louis, School of Law (Juris Doctor)
Seoul National University (B.A. in Economics)
Mr. Kim is going to serve a role of an independent advisor for The TEAM and work with The TEAM on a project basis. For The TEAM’s projects he gets involved in, Kim, as a lawyer and contract manager with about 20 years of practice experience, will be responsible for the legal and contract portions of The TEAM’s claim materials.